Be a presenter and share your expertise! Join hundreds of Water and Wastewater Industry Professionals at CRWA’s 44th Annual Conference in March of 2025. We are seeking presentations discussing plant operations, current issues utilities are facing, and regulatory updates. This year's conference will feature six tracks: Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Water Distribution, Wastewater Collection, Leadership, and New Technology Systems. NEW this year, 80- and 50-minute sessions available. We encourage instructional presentations, interactive learning, and discussion. 

Call for Papers/Abstracts for 2025 Annual Conference 
To be considered, please complete and email this application (supporting documentation is optional and should be sent with the application) to no later than 5:00 pm MST Friday, January 31, 2025. Only complete applications will be reviewed. 


Acceptance Notification 

The conference committee will review applications and abstracts for originality, technical merit, currency, and relevance to the conference topics. Presentations marketing specific products, vendors, and services will not be accepted. Applicants’ suggestions for topic and format placement (track or panel) will be considered, and the committee will make the final decision. The quality of the submitted abstract will be viewed as an indication of the quality of the presentation. Previous performance or failure to give timely notification of cancellation at previous conferences may influence the decision for acceptance. Abstracts received after the deadline may not be considered. Acceptance notification will be emailed to the presenters listed within 10 business days from receipt of the completed application. 

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